Sunday 27 March 2011

Sunday 27th March 2011 - Another bad night

Terrible night's sleep. Didn't sleep until past 2am (I checked my phone to see if it had gone forward the hour automatically and it had!) then woke in the night in a hot sweat and had to cool down before I could sleep again, then woke at 7am and was in so much pain I couldn't get back to sleep as I couldn't get comfortable at all. Today's list of pains are; left ankle - extremely painful, left wrist - extremely painful, right elbow - dull ache, back and neck, shoulders, base of skull and both knees painful but not as painful as ankle and wrist. So you can see why I couldn't get comfortable! Extremely tired too but totally unable to sleep, so frustrating.

Haven't bothered trying the amitripyline again yet. I need to keep my head clear for the moment and I am coping not too badly without any medication. Need to keep my head clear to finish all the arrangements as PLC is coming to do a workshop with our band youngsters next Saturday. For those not into brass banding PLC is Paul Lovatt-Cooper; former Percussionist for Black Dyke, Head of Music at Wardle High School, reknowned brass band composer and percussion tutor at the summer school we attend. Really looking forward to seeing him again and introducing him to the youngsters. It should be a brilliant day and I'm getting really excited about it all happening now, it's been months in the planning!

Had a really tough day yesterday as I woke much like today - in considerable pain and also exhausted before I even got out of bed. Found band practice very difficult. Not only was it difficult to hold my cornet due to the wrist pain, but due to the fatigue I found I couldn't talk properly as I just couldn't find the words I wanted to say. I kind of knew what I wanted to say but I just couldn't get it into words and couldn't get the words out of my mouth. I have learned over the past few weeks that this is what fibro sufferers call fibro-fog and is a usual complication of the fibro but it is so frustrating and embarrassing when it happens in front of other people. How do you explain to people that a condition that they can understand as pain also affects your brain so that your memory, your concentration and your ability to find words is badly affected sometimes? I can't even seem to get my OH to understand and he sees it more often than most, and he suffers from Dyspraxia which has the same effect on his speech often. He just thinks I am being moody and steers clear of me as much as possible when I am like this but it is now that I need his understanding most as I am so tired I can't cope with even the normal things.

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